28 Days of Love – Day 27

Have you ever thought about “The Big Three” of the Christian life?  If you had to name the three most important things a believer needs to hang on to as we journey through the ups and downs of living in this world, what would they be?  In today’s passage, the Apostle Paul indicates three important things every believer should hold on to.  Consider them with me?


And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.”  (1 Corinthians 13:13)

In the first part of this verse Paul identifies faith, hope and love as three key things that will abide.  The phrase is clearly meant to communicate that these three things are critically important to the believer.  Other things come and go.  We will face good times and difficult times.  Whatever our circumstances today, we need faith, hope, and love.

Faith in Jesus is what saves us and brings us into a real relationship with the Father.  Faith in Jesus keeps us focused in times of blessing and sustains us in times of trial.  We are saved by faith, we walk by faith, and we serve the Lord by faith.

There is a lot of confusion about the nature of Biblical hope.  We tend to use the word, “hope” to describe a wish.  Like when we say, “I wish the Dallas Cowboys (or your favorite team) will win the Super Bowl.  Yet, the Biblical concept of Hope is far beyond a wish.  The word actually conveys confidence.  This confidence is not in ourselves, our circumstances or in any human being or organization.  Rather, our hope rests firmly in Jesus Himself.  We have confidence that “He who began a good work in us, will complete it.”

The entire thirteenth chapter of 1 Corinthians has been teaching us about the importance of love.  We have learned that love must be a priority.  We have learned that love must be practiced.  We have also learned that love is permanent.

Having listed “The Big Three” of the Christian life, the second phrase of today’s verse singles out love as the greatest of “The Big Three.”  You may wonder why love is greater than faith and hope.  While much could be said about this, let me just point out two things.

First, love is the greatest because if it were not for God’s love, we would have no reason for faith and we would be hopeless.  We are all sinners and fall short of a relationship with the Father.  Our sin must be punished.  Yet God loves us so much, He sent Jesus to die in your place and mine and to rise again, defeating sin, death and the grave.  Because He acted in love, we can place our faith in Jesus.  In that moment, Jesus saves us from our sin and gives us real hope!

Second, because of God’s love for us, we can love God and then reflect His love for others.  The more we grow in Christ, the more we grow in love.  For the believer, this love relationship will last forever.  There will come a day when we will no longer need faith, because our faith will be sight.  There will come a day when we no longer need hope, because our hope will be fulfilled.  But we will always need love.  We will always experience God’s love for us.  We will love Him more and more.  We will reflect His love to others throughout all eternity.

Faith is necessary, hope is important, but love will last forever!